Real-Life Immersive Escape Rooms


About Rooms

Challenge rooms, or escape rooms as they are often referred to, are an interactive form of entertainment that focuses on communication, teamwork, and critical thinking.  Players are divided into groups and placed in a closed chamber, and then provided with a series of puzzles and logical challenges to solve within a time limit.  Once all the puzzles are solved, the room is solved and the players have “escaped.”

All Paradox games are family-friendly entertainment, although the puzzles are geared toward adults and older teens.  The games focus on social interaction, critical thinking, and teamwork, and are not designed to be frightening.  A room might be dark, for instance, but it is intended for an immersive effect and not to frighten.

There are no age requirements, and the entire family is welcome to play.  Paradox games are appropriate for all ages, although we do recommend 12 and up.

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantiumaNo.  Contrary to popular misconception, you are never actually locked into any room at any point.  Doors might be closed but are never locked, and you are free to leave at any time. doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.

Generally, advance bookings are final and non-refundable, although we might be able to reschedule your group into a different time slot if you have a conflict.  However, if you think there is a possibility that your group might not be able to make your appointment, we do offer cancellation protection for a small fee as an option when you make your reservation.  Please note that if you choose the protection, each member of your group would need to purchase it.

Absolutely!  We offer private booking options by appointment, and we have a meeting room available for birthday cake or board meetings.  Please contact us for private booking information.

About Team Building

It varies by room, depending on capacity.  Generally, you will probably have the best experience with a group of 4-8, although we can accommodate groups as small as 2 and as large as 10 in a single room.  Larger groups can be spread across multiple rooms.  If you are unsure, give us a call and we will be glad to help you pick the right room for your particular group.

For team building, we typically need to have the schedule set a week prior to the event. However, it’s best to contact us as early as you can so we can make sure we will have a team-building coach available to host the event.

For team building we do require a reservation deposit at time of booking. The balance is due no later than the day of the event, prior to the event commencing.

Although there might be a few exceptions, such as the Mine, Paradox games generally do not involve physical activity that would prevent people with disabilities or pregnant women from playing.  These are intellectual games, not physical.  If you have questions in this regard, please contact us and we will be happy to help you choose the right game for your situation.

About Policies

Please arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled start time.  Each player will need to complete a registration and watch a short introduction video, and that will take a few minutes, and we want to be sure you get started on time.  

It’s just like catching a plane.  We might be able to give you a couple of minutes, but our games run on a fairly tight schedule that we have to keep to.  We cannot hold up the rest of the group for one person who is late, and we likewise cannot cause the group after you to start late.  If you miss your slot, we will try to reschedule you with another group, but it’s important to be on time.

Maybe, but there’s no way to know beforehand unless your group purchases all of the available slots.  If your group is less than the capacity of the room, the remaining slots will remain open for sale and someone else may book them and join you.  Don’t worry – believe it or not, mixed groups of strangers often do the best!

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